    Today I want to talk about ways you can reuse rainwater collected by a large plastic barrel. I want to talk about this because with the earth club at my school that I am in are going to host a fundraiser for new fountains in our school, by selling large rainwater barrels similar to the one shown to the left <--- except not painted like that... More plain green. They will be sold May 31st 2013 at Galt Collegiate Institute (GCI) on Water street, Cambridge ON. Come out if your in the area :)
1. Reuse to water gardens (be cautious with edibles), less on your water bill, less consumption of local water.
2. Less on your energy bill to get water to your home.
3. When used to collect gutter water, prevents stormwater runoff that could collect motor oil and fertilizers, that could lead into bodies of water.
4. Perfect for cleaning glass and other ceramic surfaces because doesn't contain lime or calcium.
5. Super easy to make, cheap to buy.

They will be on sale, again, May 31st 2013 at GCI for $50! Hope to see you there!!!

5/3/2013 12:33:30 am

i have never really considered rain barrels before but i think it's an easy and effective way to help the environment, thanks!

5/3/2013 12:36:55 am

This is actually a very cool and useful idea, I've never really heard of rainwater barrels before. This is a great way to help the environment, and you benefit from it too if you are saving water and money.

Sam (grci)
5/3/2013 12:49:27 am

Wow this is such a cool idea! More people should buy rain barrels in order to help save the environment

9/16/2016 01:58:14 am

I was looking for a nice looking rain barrel, but I have only find the blue one. This one looks nice!


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