One of the final things I have to prove to my teacher I have done is be an active citizen. This basically means to do things around your community in a way that benefits them, and I believe I have been doing this slowly with the activities I partake in.
    The first thing I did was I went to the library, and asked for any volunteering opportunities. They put me down for helping with special events, like Center of the Arts at City Hall and the Multicultural Farmers Market taking place, and we will set up booths for kids to come and learn about reading. I have a passion for novels, so I thought this was a good choice.
    I also did things like attend local events to show my support to things like the TEDx Talk at Huron Heights, a zombie survival play for my school, and I signed up for a Cop and Community youth program starting in September. I even participated in the earth clubs rain barrel sale, helped advertise it on my blog and at my store, and wrote about the benefits of them in hopes of showing you all insight on how amazing they can be. I also did this with composts.
    I signed back up for giving a hand with kids with disabilities and horses program that goes on, where I pull them around and make them comfortable. I did this before, and it was pretty far away, but now I have my longboard!
    I even try to be an active citizen at work, I help out at another store twice a week due to a shortage of employees, I asked the manager to start reusing the coin rollers, and now we collect them in a bin, and have been thinking of taking the newspapers we throw out and donating them to the animal shelter for the bottom of cages. When the weathers nice, I'll go outside and sweep up the cigarette butts xP
    I did the book review for my library, I bought a necklace that provided water for someone for an entire year in a 3rd world country! If you look around you, opportunities will present themselves so you can be an active citizen too. All you