In my class I took this year, I learned more then simply the practices of the world's famous 5 religions (Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism), along with Sikhism and Atheism. I learned that I can see the logic of following a religion, any of the ones I learned, but I personally couldn't follow a specific one down to a T. I don't see a personal benefit from committing my life and sensuality to beliefs of those from TIIIIMMMMEEEEEE ago, when I've lived this long, happily, without any. I was raised in a Non-theist household and was taught science and evolution, which makes sense to me to this day, and I feel no need to change those views.
    Even though I agree with the beliefs of Atheism and Humanism, I learned that I am not limited to them. What I mean by this is by learning the details of each Religion, some have grown on me and have made perfect sense. Not whole Religions, but aspects of them. For example, I've always loved to do Yoga. I find it helps with stretching and clearing my mind, so I am able to think about what is most important. Hinduism and Buddhism have opened my eyes to the many benefits of Yoga and Meditation that I didn't realize, like withdrawing inward and finding yourself, clearing your mind and achieving a 'higher' state of consciousness. This aids greatly in stressful and busy moments :)
    Another example of something that I have taken from Religion is the wearing of the Hijab and other Muslim attire. Allah dictates that the women's beauty is sacred, and should only be known to her husband and close family. Now, I don't think of myself this greatly (even though i apparently should), but I do feel that my body is MY body, and that the opportunity to look at it without my permission is abused by many (especially working in a convenience store). I intend to end this by wearing Muslim attire of loose-fitting clothing and head scarfs for my hair, even though I will be wearing my PJ's and no Hijab in my own house. See what I mean?
    What I loved about Religion was the connection I had to Buddhism and Taoism, and how my ideals and morals lined up fairly close with them. I am very peaceful, focusing on my own happiness, with selflessness in the back round. I work, I go to school, and I volunteer my time with 3 organizations. I will be donating blood frequently when I am 17, and can't wait to travel and see the Religious Holy Lands and Famous Sights and Pilgrimages of the World. I find Religion fascinating, even though I have not found my own yet. What religion ultimately taught me is that I don't simply believe in nothing. Thank you Mr. H for the wonderful semester!!