This morning I am sitting with my Uncle watching some cooking shows, and every now and again he starts explaining to me why the cook is doing what hes doing, and i thought these tips might be useful to other people as well, because they took me by surprise.

First off, you should buy your fresh fish whole, not filleted, in order to tell how old it is. Apparently the fishes eyes will go and turn almost white when it gets old, and that the markets will usually fillet the fish at this time, because people don't buy them, and you can't tell. Some fish will taste fine even after their eyes turn, but will always taste better the fresher it is.

Another thing i learned if you wanted to skip the step of determining on whether it's fresh or not, buy it while its swimming! But be sure you watch WHERE it comes from. I was told if you buy farm catfish, it will often taste muddy because they're all kept in a pool type habbitat. Rather than a river or a lake, where it has a natural open environment. I was also told that the same thing could happen in a pond, so beware.

You know how all fruits and vegetables come either overdone or way to early picked? Well canned tomatoes will often stay fresh, being put in it at the time its riped, instead of looking in the market where you can get from green to mushy tomatoes. Because they come from so far away, they're picked early and will go bad fast, but canned tomatoes will stay good until you need them.

I learned another thing,not from my uncle, but to watch how much salt Rachel Ray uses in her meals! You want good cholesteral, dont follow ALL her measurements, haha.

Also, things wrapped in bacon will ALWAYS taste good. You can never go wrong with Bacon!!

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